Objects in this Collection

This is an image taken near the front registers of the Market Bistro grocery store in Latham NY. It shows floor signs indicating foot traffic directions for the aisles and the social distance spacing for the check out lines.

To both combat boredom and face anxiety head-on, why not play a round of Pandemic?!

This is Noodles, our cat who liked it better when we left for work each day.

Sienna is my niece. Her description is : "Chalkboard covered with some drawings I made over quarantine and some were Pride Month. I did this to decorate my room and it was a fun project for me to do and continue!

Empty Empire Plaza shines the motto 'NY Tough' in lights on the Corning Tower.

Abandoned PPE litters the streets as mask wearing increases in cities.

Family owned barber shop closes for public safety.

My father and other senior citizens are the second priority group to receive the Covid-19 vaccine almost a year after the onset of the virus in the US.

The Albany Art Room was decorated in rainbows before the #518RainbowHunt began, but it fits in well with the theme of brightening up the neighborhood.

PPE litters dead tulips in Washington Park, where the annual spring Tulip Festival usually takes place.

Three photos of trader Joe's in Colonie, NY, taken mid-morning on a Friday in May 2020. Trader Joe's was the first place I saw a line of people waiting to shop because the number of customers allowed in the store at one time was limited to enable social distancing. I didn't have the patience to wait in line, but I did find the experience interesting enough to take some pictures: 1) People socially distancing while waiting in line to enter Trader Joe's. 2) A rainbow of hearts in Trader Joe's front window for the #518RainbowHunt. 3) A sign at the front of the line outside Trader Joe's advertising senior hours (8-9 am) and outlining safety precautions for customers.

Local businesses close due to public health concerns. This particular sign on the door to Albany Art Room has a vibrant sounding message that reflects the colorful attitude of the business despite the grim circumstances.

This is a photo of my sleeping assistant.

Four colorful murals outside Albany Medical Center inspire hope and gratitude for a city to come together while staying apart.

Spotted near the bus turnaround in the Concourse of the Empire State Plaza, this poster advertises virtual tours and activities. Usually the summer is a busy time at the Plaza, but regular events -- from the weekly farmers markets and concerts to the annual 4th of July celebration -- have been cancelled this year because of the pandemic.

I saw this rainbow, made of fabric woven through a metal fence, at the corner of Madison Avenue and Swan Street on the first day I returned to work at the Empire State Plaza in June. A lot of rainbows appeared in windows and on signs during the pandemic because of the #518rainbowhunt initiative, but this was the most creative one I'd seen so far.

Like many grocery stores at the time (April 2020), this Price Chopper in Albany was completely out of toilet paper (and other paper products) due to panic buying.

The theme of the running was toilet paper - a salute to the toilet paper shortage that nobody saw coming. The level of achievements were 1-Ply Superstar, 2-Ply Achiever, and Golden Roll Emperor. Over 500 participants ran a total of 10,308 miles during the challenge that kicked off on 4/20 and went through 5/31. This event, like many other virtual running events, created a virtual community of runners and a healthy challenge to keep people active.

This is an excerpt of a field recording made at a Black Lives Matter protest through the Financial District in Manhattan, New York on Tuesday, June 2, 2020.

The Albany, NY pride parade scheduled for June 13, 2020 was cancelled but that didn't stop this amazing 8 year old from organizing his own.

Working from home was a huge shift in our routine - even for the animals. While we're home, they got used to mid-day walks, lots of treats, and going outside whenever they want.